Thursday, March 25, 2010


Almost all of my tomatoes are up now. I noticed today that Scotia and Ardwyna Paste are both up, so the only ones I'm waiting for are the Wild Cherries and the Red Grape Cherries. I'm not holding my breath on the Red Grape Cherries. The are from seeds I got out of two slightly mushy tomatoes from under the hanging basket they were growing in last summer. The most likely reason for those two tomatoes still being there is that they didn't ripen before the frost killed the plant, so they may well have been immature.

The Scotia, Ardwyna Paste, Wild Cherry and Red Grapes were all planted on heat mats, under grow lights last Sunday (March 21) and everything else went in a week or two earlier. We currently have 4 flats, with mostly peppers and tomatoes, and some blacktail mountain watermelon, hale's best cantaloupe, baby bok choy, lettuce, that kind of thing.

The picture below is the current set up, with the lids on. We have to keep the lids on, as there is a mouse in the garage who has nipped the tops off lots of plants. The lids are off for most of the day, and my cat, Zoya, guards them.
The other pictures will give you a general idea of how big the plants are... about an inch high, I guess. Some are just barely starting to get their second set of leaves. They were started in a peat moss and perlite mix, with a bit of lime and superphosphate added, in small pots in flats, half a dozen to a dozen in each. We did 2 or more of the multi variety seed packs, just to make sure we got some of everything, though I guess I'll have no idea if I have some of everything until the tomatoes are ripe. When they were an inch or so high, the seedlings got transplanted to individual 2" peat pots, where they will stay 'til they are ready for their big pots in the garden.

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