Monday, March 29, 2010

My Canadian Varieties

Well, in my last entry, I somehow forgot about my poor little Petit Moineau, a currant tomato from Quebec. I was especially excited about that one when I got it at the seed sale, because it's Canadian, so it qualifies for Seeds of Diversity's Canadian Tomato Project. At the time of my last entry, that was the 3rd tomato still not up, but I'm happy to report that on Friday (March 26) the first of my Wild Cherries came up, and on Sunday (March 29) I noticed the tiniest little sprouts in my pot of Petit Moineau! Now I have lots of Wild Cherry up, and 11 little tiny Petit Moineau. They look littler than the other varieties. Some of my older ones, especially some in the heritage rainbow seed mix (6 different types of different coloured tomatoes) have their second set of leaves, that are already recognizable as little tomato leaves. The Red Grapes are still not up.

I only started with 12 varieties originally, but while surfing around online, looking at different tomato varieties, I discovered the Seeds of Diversity website. ( ) They have a Canadian Tomato Project that intrigued me. Basically the idea is to get as many Canadian gardeners as possible growing Canadian tomato cultivars, and tracking the results. More information is available on their website. This appealed to me, so I was at their next Seedy Saturday, and the Canadian tomatoes I came home with are Petit Moineau, and Scotia.

Scotia, from what I've been able to find, was developed in Nova Scotia. Back in the 50's if I remember correctly. They grow on a small, determinate plant, and are early. 60 to 70 days to ripe tomatoes, so I'm excited about that. I've been drooling over tomato recipes, craving fresh tomatoes since I started planting! Scotia is a small (4 oz) round red tomato, apparently with a very nice flavour, and good for using green in relishes and such. I'll have to let you know later in the season! Though never having had green tomato relish, I'm not sure I'd be a good judge of it.
Petit Moineau, which according to, means little sparrow, is a little currant type tomato. I think the size guidelines for currant type are 3/4 of an inch or smaller. There doesn't seem to be much information available on them, beyond them being small, red, and very sweet. They are an indeterminate, vine type plant. Again, fairly early, from what I can gather.

I'm going to continue looking for good recipes to use all these tomatoes, and I will post any really great sounding ones I find, and some old favourites. Feel free to share yours too!

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